There is a new way to treat red, irritated eyes and you can get it at Myoptic.

Blepharitis is a common condition where inflammation of the eyelids leads to redness, itching, and tearing of the eyes. It affects people of all ages and if left untreated leads to the disruption of healthy tear composition and the development of chronic dry eyes and irritation.

blephex1The inflammation starts at the base of the eyelashes and is caused by an accumulation of bacteria that is naturally found on our skin. Over time, exotoxins released by these bacteria irritate the eyelids and trigger the body’s inflammatory response. Chronic inflammation inhibits healthy tear production — tears that contain antibodies that fight bacteria — and perpetuates the cycle of blepharitis.

The absolute best way to treat blepharitis is to address the source of the problem: the built up bacteria on the eyelids. With new technology called Blephex, your optometric physician has the ability to halt the cycle of inflammation and allow your eyelids to function normally again.

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Using a small medical-grade sponge, Blephex gently scrubs away debris, oil, and bacteria that have accumulated along your lid margins. The in-office procedure takes only a few minutes, but patients often experience improved comfort shortly afterward.

Home therapy is always recommended for maintenance of lid hygiene, however, blepharitis is a chronic condition and repeat Blephex treatment may still be recommended every 4-6 months.

If you are suffering from symptoms of blepharitis such as burning, excessive tearing, red and swollen eyes/eyelids, or crusting along the lid margins, be sure to discuss it with your optometric physician. A Blephex treatment might be the first step in getting your eyes clean, healthy, and happy once again.blephex4written by Dr. Allen Kim, OD

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