Thank you, Dr. Paymon Hossini for this important guide to what to do when your eye doesn’t feel quite right. Everyone should read this!

3 Eye Emergencies You Don’t Want To Mess With

1. Sudden onset of Floaters and/or Flashes of Light
If you are experiencing floaters in your vision and/or flashes of light you should definitely call us right away. These symptoms may be associated with a retinal detachment that can be a sight-threatening condition that requires treatment immediately. Typically these symptoms are most common in individuals over the age of 50 and are caused by a posterior vitreous detachment, which does not require any treatment. However, it is always a good idea to play it safe when it concerns your vision.

2. Red Eye
One or more of the following commonly causes a “red eye”: dry eyes, allergies, over wearing your contacts, or an eye infection. If your red eye has lasted longer than 24 hours and you haven’t seen any improvement it’s a good idea to give us a call. If there is an active eye infection, many times prescription medication is prescribed, and your eyes can go back to being pearly-white in no time!

3. “I think there’s something in my eye”
The feeling of having something stuck in your eye can be a very serious and uncomfortable condition that requires immediate attention. In many instances this can be related to dry eye or allergies that can usually be treated with over-the-counter eye drops. If the eye is painful, red, watering, and you can visibly see a spot on your eye that wasn’t there before, definitely warrants a call to your eye doctor.

You can always visit Myoptic or your optometrist for eye-related discomfort or injuries. So often we get referrals from Zoomcare and other urgent care facilities because they know when it comes to your eyes, your optometrist is the place to go.irritated-eye

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